Thursday, December 11, 2008
Thursday, December 4, 2008
A Future of Better and Worse
When trying to imagine the future the first thing I write off is flying cars. It’s pretty sad that the people in the past imagined we would have flying cars now when we can’t even come up with a reliable alternate energy source to run regular cars. I would imagine a future much like our own, but information and secrets flow more freely, people are even more reliant on the Internet, and several things become obsolete.
We need to face facts, cables and wires for power or any purpose are a pain. They take up space, get tangled, and are just annoying. However within ten years technology may reach the level to eliminate cords to a degree. Right now scientists have successfully powered a 60 watt light bulb from 2 meters away without wires. This was done through the use of magnetic fields which do not harm people and can be used to power things without wasting energy. Though it is doubtful that this method would replace power cables by 2018 the technology will likely be in airports, hotels and in several other areas where business takes place. It may even have a limited availability in homes. This WiTricity, or wireless electricity, would mostly be used for cell phones, laptops, and other wireless technology.
Television, one of the most powerful mediums is going to die. I don’t even watch television anymore, because I hate the over abundance of commercials. Why watch television when you have to turn it on at certain time, and wait through a dozen commercials, when you can watch anything, at any time online, for free, and usually with only 2 or no commercials. The writer’s strike that took place not too long ago had to do with the writers not receiving compensation for their shows being streamed online. That just goes to show the increasing power of watching things online. I envision the computer, television, and many other mediums just combining into one thing.
Sites like My Space and Face Book are slowly decreasing the privacy of our lives. It is true that right now you can set it to “friends only privacy”, but with so much open communication on the web I believe people will become more and more open to everyone. Just putting all this information about you up for people to see can and has lead to highly dangerous real life circumstances.
The jobs of the future will be different in two ways. With communication advancing to such levels it will become less important to meet in person. A higher percent of jobs will become work at home jobs. Also small businesses will flourish greatly thanks to sites like Amazon and Ebay. Also by this time natives of the cyber age will be all around, and they will want to do things differently. Old outdated business methods will be thrown out and more digital methods will be brought in. Internet connections will be several times faster by then so video conferences can run completely flawlessly even by small businesses.
With the growing power of the net, cash will still be used but barely. All physical sellers will make it difficult not to use credit or debit cards. Whether they implement special lanes or provide huge bonus deals cash users will get ripped off every time. Though it is not exactly the same, my super market requires a bonus card in order to get big deals. I always pay extra, because I just have never taken the time to get this card. I still prefer coupons over a bonus card. At least coupons don’t require you to register or fill out paper work.
Sadly I believe the government will eventually pass legislation for a national ID. It is only a matter of time. All that is needed are the right politicians in the states, or a big terrorist attack which would put citizens in a panic. A national ID would meld the states together limiting their power. Naturally microchips will be implanted in these IDs by then. This is very believable as they are already doing this with passports. Though perhaps not by 2018 it would also be natural to expect the ID to become multi-purposed, meaning it could be used as a credit card or a bonus card. Unification is a dangerous thing which can lead to the loss of freedom and options.
The future will present a unifying element which will expand with technology. The national ID can’t be stopped forever. It will eventually force its way through. Well it will definitely ruin state rights, but least we’ll be enjoying wireless power, hopefully.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
The Power of Future Gaming Consoles
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Virtual Enhancements in Halting State
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Virtual Rock Stars and Protestors
Thursday, October 30, 2008
The Environment of Gaia
Thursday, October 16, 2008
The Diamond Age Conclusion
Thursday, October 9, 2008
My Experience With Gaia Online
Cyber Punk Time Line
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Red Star, Winter Orbit: Dystopia in Space
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Blade Runner: The Major Points
Thursday, September 18, 2008
To understand what a cyborg is it is imperative to understand what an android is. The andys in Phillip K. Dick's novel are clearly indicated to be androids not cyborgs. According to wikipedia androids are robots designed to resemble and act like humans. Cyborgs are defined as organisms that possess both artificial and biological parts. There is a category that seems to fall in between these two categories however and that is a bio android. This being possesses artificial biological parts. A bio android would be considered a replicant from Blade Runner.
I believe that Cyborgs can be human and not human. It all depends on the creation process. For example if you ripped out a human heart and installed it inside a robotic shell and the heart allowed this shell to function that would be a non-human cyborg.
One of my favorite cyborg characters which I would consider to be a human cyborg is the character Franky from the anime One Piece. After trying to stop a train in a desperate attempt to save his mentor Franky is nearly killed. However, as he explains later he had enough life left to take spare parts around him and rebuild himself into a cyborg. Franky's stomach opens up to store cola soda which gives him energy. However, a percentage of his body remains human, including his brain and his back as he could not reach it to add robotic parts.
Franky's artificial parts don't seem elaborate enough to threaten his humanity, but there is another character whose body is made up of a higher percentage of artificial parts. This character, with the fitting name Cyborg, is in the show Teen Titans. All of his body seems to be nothing but robotic parts except for a small portion of his arms and part of his head. In one particular episode Cyborg finds him self low on power and rescued by a robot named Fixit. Fixit plans to fix Cyborg as he believes the human parts need to be removed and replaced with mechanical robot parts. This of course would remove all humanity and emotions that make Cyborg who he is. However as Fixit prepares to remove Cyborg's humanity he examines Cyborg's memories and sees beauty and wonder through human eyes. Fixit realizes that his full robotic self is truly flawed and it is Cyborgs humanity that makes him who he is.
Both of the characters I have mentioned started as humans and therefore it is easy to believe that they can retain their humanity. However General Grevious in Star Wars Clone Wars is less easy to understand. It is not explained what race or species he was before changing into a cyborg. He has blood, eyes, a heart, lungs,and most likely a brain. Due to the presence of biological parts Grevious is much more clever in battle than droids limited by their programing could ever be. Grevious wields light sabers like a Jedi, but just as andys in Electric Sheep cannot go through the religious experience with Mercer, Grevious cannot use the Force as a full biological being is capable of. Regardless of the fact he received a blood transfusion from a Jedi.
I have given my opinion on which cyborgs are human, however it is still difficult to say how much one can lose and still be considered human. If a man lost all his limbs, most of his organs, and his mind became retarded, but he still lived could he still be considered human? I believe he would, he would just be considered a mutilated human. Since I cannot fully explain the soul I believe that the presence of a natural human mind containing memories and the ability to express emotions is the bare requirement to be human.
In the anime Dragon Ball Z one of the major groups of villains are androids. However, I believe this is the wrong classification for these characters. In my opinion they are better classified as cyborgs or bio androids at the very least. One of the biggest reasons for this is that Android 18, a female model marries a human and has a human daughter. This confused me until it was explained by the husband that Android 18 was originally human, before she became a cyborg. I believe she is called an android due to a translation error as wikipedia refers to her as an artificial human and as a cyborg.
I do not fear the future of cyborgs if it is a limited future. The creation of mechanical limbs for those who have lost them is very promising. This concept was featured in the anime Full Metal Alchemist in which the character Edward loses an arm and leg playing God in an alchemical experiment. Fully articulated robotics limbs are connected directly to his nerves. It is a painful process though this auto mail works just like real limbs once attached. What I truly fear is human stupidity. In Electric Sheep humans were foolish enough not to include an outward sign which could easily identify andys. Consumers selfishly wanted andys to be completely human like and this idea is very stupid in my opinion. If humanity in the future cannot see the danger in this, especially after so many books and movies have warned against it then our species may deserve death at the hands of machines.